Our consultations can take place virtually via a video or telephone call, or if you prefer in person. We will ask you to complete and return an in-depth consultation form and medical questionnaire.
With a range of treatment plans and packages available, we will discuss and agree on the best ones for your requirements. We tailor each plan to make it bespoke to your needs.
We place a strong emphasis on regular re-assessments to accurately demonstrate and monitor improvements in both your overall health markers as well as personalised goals.
Each patient's needs are individual and come with varying differences in what success looks like. Some patients will complete a single block of treatments and will feel they are fixed, whereas others may need multiple blocks depending on the complexity and severity of the issues.
Doctor of Medical Acupuncture & Functional Eastern & Western Medicine
Meet Dr. Philip Wheeler DMAc, Lic.Ac.TCM, MAC, MSTA, a distinguished Doctor of Medical Acupuncture, is regarded as the foremost authority in the UK in Bio-Electric Medicine, a leader in Functional and Regenerative Medicine, and lectures on topics such as Nutrition, Chinese Medicine, and his own blend of holistic, modern, and traditional medicine at prestigious institutions such as Total Therapy Training and the Acupuncture Regulatory Authority University College. He has over 16 years of expertise in the health, fitness, and medical sectors, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Regenerative Medicine leading him to the title of Regenerative Medicine Doctor (RMD)
Philip Wheeler is the founder and Clinical Director of the highly successful PW Therapy, he plays a pivotal role as a senior board member of the Medical Acupuncture Council (MAC) and represents MAC for the Acupuncture Regulatory Authority (ARA) which oversees Acupuncture in the UK. As well as this, he is a consultant clinician to numerous private practices across the UK and is regularly appointed by high-end Government and local council establishments, Bedfordshire and Thames Valley Police Forces, and many businesses in and around Buckinghamshire and London.
Philip’s love for all things Eastern started at the age of 8 when his late Grandad signed him up for Karate classes, and by the age of 19 he had his full adult black belt and was competing monthly around the UK. Philip continued Karate up till the age of 30, as well as exploring many other martial arts. What Philip didn’t realise as a child was his martial arts teachers were teaching him more than just self-defence, they were teaching him how to control his mind and body, as well as the healing aspects which all true martial arts contain. This would become a pivotal part of future Philip’s life choices.
Philip’s elite skillset has been crafted from a diverse set of transferable qualifications and experiences throughout his life. Using a multitude of diagnostic and treatment methods, Philip can help with a wide range of medical conundrums.
Philip excels in Neurological Conditions, Internal Health, Pain Management, Cancer Care, and Musculoskeletal ailments. Philip’s in-depth understanding of the human body, combined with his unparalleled wealth of knowledge which he is continually updating, allows him to understand the needs of a wide spectrum of conditions.
Philip’s passion has always been to help as many people as possible, and this is a desire which is unlikely to change in the future. However, Philip knows he is only one person, and although there are options such as group therapy and self-help books or courses, he knows the only way to truly make a difference is by passing on his knowledge to existing or future therapists Philip currently teaches part-time in a couple of locations around the country, as well as hosting medical professionals in his clinic, but he aims to move into a more full-time position helping to shape the future of true medicine in the UK.
Because we put in the time to get to know and understand our patients and their ailments, our results are quicker and longer lasting.
We don’t follow the crowd in treating the symptoms, we find and treat the causes.