About Philip Wheeler

Meet Dr. Philip Wheeler DMAc, Lic.Ac.TCM, MAC, MSTA, a distinguished Doctor of Medical Acupuncture, is regarded as the foremost authority in the UK in Bio-Electric Medicine, a leader in Functional and Regenerative Medicine, and lectures on topics such as Nutrition, Chinese Medicine, and his own blend of holistic, modern, and traditional medicine at prestigious institutions such as Total Therapy Training and the Acupuncture Regulatory Authority University College. He has over 16 years of expertise in the health, fitness, and medical sectors, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Regenerative Medicine leading him to the title of Regenerative Medicine Doctor (RMD)

Philip Wheeler is the founder and Clinical Director of the highly successful PW Therapy, he plays a pivotal role as a senior board member of the Medical Acupuncture Council (MAC) and represents MAC for the Acupuncture Regulatory Authority (ARA) which oversees Acupuncture in the UK. As well as this, he is a consultant clinician to numerous private practices across the UK and is regularly appointed by high-end Government and local council establishments, Bedfordshire and Thames Valley Police Forces, and many businesses in and around Buckinghamshire and London.

Passionate about addressing rare and chronic medical conditions, Philip Wheeler has demonstrated notable success in treating many complex and rare medical mysteries via his holistic approach, prioritising root-cause treatments, and combining various modalities to achieve optimal health outcomes. Driven by a commitment to integrating Eastern and Western Medicine, his outstanding skills and research have garnered recognition from senior UK medical experts.

Over the years Philip has helped thousands of people overcome their diagnoses and conditions by taking the time and care to find the initial causes, rather than simply focusing on the symptoms. His fusion of Eastern and Western Medicine means he can understand and combine the best of both worlds, and it’s this integrative medical approach which sets Philip apart from other specialists.

PW Therapy, under Philip Wheeler’s leadership, was recently honoured with the Best Neurological Medical Specialists 2023 – UK award by Global Health and Pharma, one of many awards he has earned over the years.

Philip Wheeler’s ground-breaking research includes documentation on ‘The Effectiveness of Chinese Medicine in Treating Epilepsy,’ showcasing his ability to significantly reduce seizures in a patient who had been suffering for 35 years, which he has since gone on to replicate in numerous other patients. This research has been published on the Acupuncture Federation’s website. Additionally, his open-book, self-questioning, and answering style research on ‘The Effects of Acupuncture on Sp02 with an Emphasis on Patients Recovering from SARS-Cov-2’ has been featured on the Acupuncture Association website.

Philip Wheeler’s dedication to advancing medical knowledge and providing exceptional patient care establishes him as a leading figure in the UK.

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